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Schuppar Consulting ist die Nr. 1 für B2B-Unternehmen, die ihre Preise nachhaltig optimieren wollen. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie sich für Ihre Kunden unersetzlich machen und endlich die Preise bekommen, die Sie verdienen.

Ihr Unternehmen zu beispiellosem Wachstum verhelfen.

Bei Schuppar Consulting widmen wir uns der Aufgabe, Ihr Unternehmen durch unser umfassendes Dienstleistungsangebot zu beispiellosem Erfolg zu führen. Unsere Expertise konzentriert sich auf drei zentrale Dienstleistungen, die darauf abzielen, jeden Aspekt Ihrer Geschäftsstrategie zu optimieren.

Schuppar Training Programs in 2022

Check out our new overview and find the perfect training for your sales and purchasing teams.

Neues Seminar
Price Increase Extreme

Negotiate extreme price increases and get your prices up by +41% or more. Book your 2-day seminar with Dr. Björn Schuppar now.

Sie möchten hohe Preise festlegen und diese in Ihren Verhandlungen durchsetzen?

Wir zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie dieses ehrgeizige Ziel erreichen können. Lernen Sie, wie Sie von nun an jede Preiserhöhung durchsetzen und damit sogar Ihren Verhandlungspartnern ein Lächeln ins Gesicht zaubern.

Norbert Pomplun
Key Account Manger at GF Casting Solutions
“We now understand that we can really improve in many areas as a sales team. This boosts the motivation & enthusiasm of the team.”
Dr. Volker Pfahlert
Founder/Co-Founder/ Shareholder & CEO Numares (Formerly Executive Positions at Roche Diagnostics and Draeger Medical)
“The impact of the Strategic Pricing and Implementation Program with Dr. Schuppar and his team was a substantial margin improvement (high single digit) driven by accelerated growth of high margin products.”
Ralf Drews
CEO at Greif-Velox Maschinenfabrik GmbH
“With the help of the Schuppar Strategic Selling program we won 2 major tenders, which grew our business by 4 Million €. My organization switched from farming to hunting mode.”
Joris Merckx
CEO at Thor NV (Formerly President & CEO at Chemetall)
“More than 30 Million € EBITDA over 18 months (700 Million Sales). Schuppar Consulting enabled us to improve consistently our margin in a sustainable way."
Patrick Yong
Managing Director at Bostik Vietnam
“Just want to say thank you for the great session. Realized more tools/ techniques that my team and I should be focusing on.”
Daniel Lopez Cruz
Managing Director Corporate Investment at Investcorp
Private Equity
“Schuppar Consulting offers more than just concepts. The consulting team successfully helped us to sustainably develop the pricing for our portfolio firms.”
Tineke Beirlaen
Chief Commercial Officer at Fixatti
“Perfect trainings that make even less experienced negotiators feel comfortable when facing tough customer negotiations.”
Alex Sosik
Senior Account Manager at Arkema
“The training was pretty much on target. I particularly liked the role plays followed by useful feedback.”
Dr. Ingo Lehrke
CEO at Algiax (Formerly CEO tesa Labtec)
“We achieved a price increase at an average of 5.3%. The best was the change in mindset within my sales department. Understanding that a price increase is possible even if it seemed impossible at the beginning.”
Adam Lin
Sales Director APAC Bostik
“Gentlemen, wanted to thank you again for the knowledge you bestowed on my team members and me. The class was excellent and I am sure it will pay big dividends to the company, employees and personal growth of all who experience the wealth of preparation and knowledge.”
Vincent Legros
Arkema Group CEO at Bostik
“We recovered plus 46 Million € EBITDA on 2.000 Million € Sales with Price Increase Trainings & Pricing Clinics® across 3 regions and BUs.”
Andres Amador Marin
Commercial Director Americas at Vestolit
“My takeaways: Approaching customers with price increases, improving negotiation skills, understanding the counterparty temperament, impact on price increase, gaining new business.”
Malte WItt
Vice President Sales and Marketing EMEA at Armacell
“+4.5% better net-net prices in my region with Schuppar Pricing Trainings and Pricing Clinics® Workshops.”
Abhay Kulkani
Sales & Marketing Director BASF India
“I have been over 32 years in my job and attended many training sessions and the Schuppar program was the best training we've had in many years.”
Carsten Hagenbucher
Partner Investment at Charterhouse
Private Equity
“Schuppar Consulting enabled our portfolio companies by their hands-on price programs throughout the global sales organization on all continents, to educate our salespeople towards added value selling.”
Ian Higgins
Business Development Manager Aerospace at Chemetall
“I really benefited from your sales training course, the best that I have ever experienced.”
Jürgen Walda
Vice President & General Manager, Avery Dennison, former CEO at Lohmann Tapes
“With the global Value Pricing Culture Program we improved our profit margin significantly. Depending on the area between 2-5%-Pts.”
Jean Fayolle
Vice President Adhesives EMEA & SA at Henkel
“The consulting team successfully helped us to professionally adapt our pricing for the sales department. The employees were trained in a global roll-out with pricing blackbelts. In addition, the different market segments were supported in the best way possible for the implementation of price changes incurred by increasing raw material and transport costs.”
Tito Soso
Partner Corporate Investment at L-Gam
Private Equity
“The initial results compensated for the consulting expenses as early as within the first weeks. The high inflationary pressures of the raw materials were successfully passed on by smart and differentiated price increases.”
Laurent Couvreur
Director Regional Segments Asia Pacific at BASF
“SCORE (strategic selling concept) is part of my everyday life, as we are using the Global Sales Process for following the progress of our projects in APAC region.”
Hermann Reichenecker
Chairman of the Management Board at Storopack
“With our worldwide pricing excellence program, implemented with the help of Schuppar Consulting, we have been able to optimize our prices competitively and always customer benefit-oriented. “
Leonhard Engels
Managing Partner at Agis Industrie Service
"The decisions taken during the cooperation with Schuppar Consulting helped us very much during the economic crisis. We were able to increase our prices and thus also our contribution margins in time. We recommend Schuppar Consulting without any reservations.“
Andrea Zoochi
CEO at EVOCA Group
“Convincing product life cycle pricing strategies were developed during several workshops. At the same time the employees were trained in pricing. Negotiations with important key customers were systematically prepared by using the Pricing Clinic® Methodology. Thanks to the specialty pricing calculator we now set the right prices for machines with low volumes.”
Hartwig Retzlaff
Managing Partner at Babacous (Formerly CEO at Deutsche See)
"With the help of advanced sales software supported by Schuppar Consulting our sales employees can easily and transparently conduct price calculations in their daily business. The effect of the new software was enhanced sustainably by professional training measures for more than 120 people in sales and by the introduction of proposed performance indicators and leadership processes.”
Jim Morgan
Strategic Accounts Manager at Bostik
“The training content, style and interactivity was excellent. You kept us all engaged while providing a valuable and fun learning experience.”
Meinolf Brauer
CEO at walter services
"With the help of the pricing project with Schuppar Consulting we achieved the turnaround and increased our EBIT within the first year by 2.3 Million €. The collaboration with Schuppar Consulting over achieved our targets.“
Martin Burki
Commercial Director at Arkema
“Target achieved. My whole Crew will join this great training. It is amazing how much motivation it is creating among the teams.”
Gerrit Vloedgraven
Regional Sales Manager at Fixatti
“The explanation of what type of pricing negotiator I am helped me a lot of. I now understand clearly how I can improve myself.”
Nico Gayken
Founder at NEXT ROCK (Formerly Director Marketing at Greif-Velox Maschinenfabrik GmbH)
„Very good, individual and efficient training program. The trainer shared a lot of insights and best practices from the industries. Especially the purchaser point of view was highly appreciated by the sales teams.“
Dr. Eberhard Wildermuth
CEO Sales at Witzenmann
“Pricing Trainings and Clinics® are extremely powerful tools. We could recover more than 2 Million € across Divisions which was strongly needed to maintain for the customers our valued engineering expertise and applied service levels.”
Dieter Verhoeven
Chief Purchasing Officer at PRYM Group
"I liked the very practical and real-life approach and examples."
Markus Leypold
Pricing Head EMEA at Axalta
“Getting to know different ways of argumentation to increase prices in difficult times.”
Jens Hummes
Regional Sales Director at Bostik
"The training was a good motivation to negotiate prices and I really liked the best practices shown by the trainer team."
Ernesto Osorno
General Manager Mexico at BASF
„Many thanks for organizing and executing the best negotiation training seminar I ever had in my long career in Sales. It was fun to do the Role Plays with my colleagues and the opportunity to share experiences with them. This negotiation Seminar will for sure let us become better negotiators and prepares us for the upcoming challenges.”

Stehen Sie auch
vor diesen Herausforderungen?

Wir zeigen Ihnen
wie Sie das ändern:

Sie möchten hohe Preise festlegen und diese in Ihren Verhandlungen durchsetzen?

Wir zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie dieses ehrgeizige Ziel erreichen können. Lernen Sie, wie Sie von nun an jede Preiserhöhung durchsetzen und damit sogar Ihren Verhandlungspartnern ein Lächeln ins Gesicht zaubern.

We recovered plus 44 Mio.$ EBITDA on 2,000 Mio.$ Sales with Price Increase Trainings & Pricing Clinics® across 3 regions ​and BUs.
Vincent Legros
Arkema Group, CEO Bostik
We recovered plus 44 Mio.$ EBITDA on 2,000 Mio.$ Sales with Price Increase Trainings & Pricing Clinics® across 3 regions ​and BUs.
Vincent Legros
Arkema Group, CEO Bostik
We recovered plus 44 Mio.$ EBITDA on 2,000 Mio.$ Sales with Price Increase Trainings & Pricing Clinics® across 3 regions ​and BUs.
Vincent Legros
Arkema Group, CEO Bostik

Lernen Sie von den Besten. Erhalten Sie exklusives Know-how, Fähigkeiten und die Tools von internationalen Pricing-Experten.

Unser Ziel ist es, eine nachhaltige und profitable Preiskultur im B2B-Bereich zu entwickeln. Wir sind überzeugt, dass die Welt für Ihre Preiserhöhung sehr dankbar sein wird. Wollen Sie wissen, warum? Erfahren Sie mehr.


Dr. Björn Schuppar

Pricing Expert, Partner & Managing Director


Martin Paukert

Pricing Expert, Partner & Managing Director

Sie brauchen Hilfe bei der Preisgestaltung? Wenden Sie sich an unser Management-Team.

Werden Sie ein Teil der Erfolgsgeschichte

Mehr als 20 Jahre Erfahrung im Coaching und Training von Organisationen
0 Jahre
Über 10.000 Menschen weltweit in Preisverhandlungen geschult
0 Personen
3.000 echte Verhandlungen mit der Pricing Clinic®-Methode geführt
0 Verhandlungen
Veröffentlichung von 70 Publikationen, Vorträgen und einem Buch über hervorragende Preisgestaltung
0 Veröffentlichungen
Mehr als 250 Grundsatzreden gehalten
0 Vorträge
Über 400 Unternehmen setzen die Schuppar-Methoden erfolgreich ein
0 Unternehmen
Erfahrene Trainer 💪
Leidenschaftliche Motivatoren 💬
Offene Gesprächspartner 🤩

Was wir sind:

Was wir nicht sind:

Ihre Gewinnspannen zu schützen und sogar zu erhöhen, ist einfach als Sie denken. Lassen Sie uns Ihre individuellen Herausforderungen unter die Lupe nehmen und gemeinsam eine verlässliche und durchschlagende Preiserhöhungsstrategie entwickeln.

Schuppar Consulting ist die richtige Wahl für Sie, wenn Sie...

The power of aicorite®

Using aicorite® will empower you to walk into any price negotiation with confidence.

With aicorite®, you will be perfectly prepared in a matter of minutes to make and present a business and pricing decision to your business partners.

Every vital piece of information is just a few clicks away. Discover how aicorite® can start empowering your business decisions today. 

Professionelles Preis- und Verhandlungsmanagement ist der beste Hebel, um Ihrem Unternehmen eine erfolgreiche Zukunft zu sichern.

Als führender Spezialist für Gewinnmaximierung beraten wir Zulieferer in den folgenden Sektoren:











Finden Sie die Lösung, die am besten zu Ihnen passt

Lernen Sie mehr über
unsere Methoden


Mit unserer Vertriebsberatung eröffnen wir neue Perspektiven für Kunden, die ihre bisherige Preisstrategie ändern wollen.

Für unterschiedliche Ausgangssituationen haben wir passende Programme entwickelt, die wir jederzeit an Ihre individuellen Herausforderungen anpassen können.


Unsere praxisnahen InHaus-Schulungen sorgen für schnelle Ergebnisse bei Verhandlungen mit bestehenden Kunden.

Ihr Vertriebsteam lernt neue Methoden und Ansätze kennen, die direkt auf typische Probleme eingehen, die jeder Verkäufer kennt.


Wir veranstalten regelmäßig Webinare und öffentliche Veranstaltungen.

Dabei vermitteln wir fundiertes Best-Practice-Wissen zum Thema Preismanagement, von dem unsere Kunden in ihrem B2B-Alltag täglich profitieren.


Dr. Björn Schuppar

Pricing Expert, Partner & Managing Director

Sie möchten Ihre Preisgestaltung in den Griff bekommen, sind sich aber nicht sicher, welche unserer Lösungen die richtige für Ihr Unternehmen ist?

Dann setzen Sie sich mit unserer Global Sales Director Desiree für ein kostenloses Beratungsgespräch in Verbindung.

Vertrauen bei erstklassigen Unternehmen ob groß und klein

Über alle unsere Projekte hinweg erzielen unsere Kunden im Durchschnitt +2,3%
höhere Rendite

Besessen von Ihrem Erfolg. Lernen Sie unsere Helden kennen.