Inflation Management

FREE WEBINAR For Inflation Management

Inflation Management


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Ihr Gastgeber : Dr. Björn Schupparr
Experte für Preismanagement

Hallo, ich bin Dr. Björn Schuppar und der Gründer von Schuppar Consulting.

Gemeinsam mit meinem Team haben wir Lösungen erarbeitet, die Unternehmen
helfen, ihre Margen zu schützen und zu optimieren.

Nach über 20 Jahren Training und Coaching von Unternehmen habe ich eines

Meistens ist derjenige, der zahlt (Ihr Kunde), derjenige, der die Richtung
bestimmt – vor allem, wenn es sich dabei um einen großen Akteur handelt, der
eine große Marktmacht hat.

Aber wissen Sie was? Die Dinge müssen nicht so sein. Ich bin auf einer Mission,
um diese Situation zu ändern.

Lassen Sie mich Ihnen die intelligenten Lösungen zeigen, die wir erarbeitet
haben, um Ihnen zu helfen, mehr Geschäfte mit besseren Gewinnspannen für Ihr
Unternehmen abzuschließen – auch wenn Sie es oft mit wirklich schwierigen
Käufern zu tun haben.


Dr. Björn Schuppar

Experte für Preismanagement

Dr. Björn Schuppar

Begleitung von 3.000 realen Verhandlungenmit der Pricing Clinic®-Methode
Mehrals 10.000 Menschen weltweit in Preisverhandlun gengeschult
20 Jahre Erfahrungim Coaching und Training von Organisationen
Mehrals 250 Key Note Speeches
Mehrals 400 Unternehmenwenden die Schuppar-Methode erfolgreich an: BASF, Henkel, Electrolux, Saint Gobain

Was Kunden über uns sagen

"We recovered plus 44 Million € EBITDA on 2.000 Million € Sales across 3 regions and BUs."
Vincent Legros
Arkema Group CEO at Bostik
"Changing the Pricing Culture with Schuppar Consulting resulted in +2.2%-pts. Margin improvement and volume growth on plan."
Mike Olosky
Henkel Adhesive, Member of the Executive Committee
"Total benefit for my Automotive division of +823 k€ profil. The Trainings, the Pricing Clinics® and and the new Pricing Gym are extremely powerful tools."
Dr. Eberhard Wildermuth
CEO Sales at Witzenmann
“With the worldwide Pricing Culture & Momentum program with Schuppar we improved our price index from +0.3% to +2.7% (+2.4%-pts.) on 800 M€ Sales."
Andrea Zoochi
CEO at Evoca Group

Sichern Sie sich jetzt Ihren Platz und erfahren Sie, wie Ihr Leben als Verkäufer einfacher und erfolgreicher werden kann.

Sie wollen bessere Preise für Ihr Unternehmen erzielen, wissen aber nicht, wie
Sie dieses ehrgeizige Ziel erreichen können?

Dann freuen wir uns darauf, Sie zu unserem kostenlosen Webinar begrüßen zu
dürfen Am 19, May 2023 wollen wir Ihnen einen Ansatz zeigen, der alle
typischen Probleme löst, mit denen B2B-Verkäufer täglich konfrontiert sind.

Sichern Sie sich jetzt Ihr Ticket. Die Plätze sind begrenzt

Book now for free

Schnell lernen, mit Spaß üben, überzeugend auftreten

Abdeckung aller wichtigen Aspekte des Verkaufs und der Preisgestaltung


Verteidigung von Zitaten


Agile Margenrückgewinnung




Verteidigung von Zitaten


Agile Margenrückgewinnung




Verteidigung von Zitaten


Agile Margenrückgewinnung



Setzen Sie sich mit uns in Verbindung, um den für Sie passenden Service zu finden.

Dr. Björn Schuppar

Pricing Expert, Founding Partner & Managing Director
Exquisite cook
Trained athlete

“Dr. Schuppar has the ability to clearly convey at entrepreneurial and executive level the significance of finding the right price. Better prices are an inspiration to him.“

Experience & background
As the Managing Director Dr. Björn Schuppar takes responsibility for the activities of Schuppar Consulting in Germany and abroad. He founded the company in 2005. His profound expertise in pricing, negotiating, sales management, customer benefits and retailer management, which has proven itself in hundreds of projects, makes him a much esteemed consultant for industrial and service companies.

Dr. Björn Schuppar and his team have successfully trained more than 7,000 people worldwide. Giving advice on prices and negotiation training in the automotive, specialty chemicals, mechanical and plant engineering, IT, chemicals, consumer goods, retail and financial services industries are focal points of his work. Besides his specialist expertise, customers value his social and intercultural competence as well as his ability to inspire.

The price expert is the author of the book “Preismanagement” (DUV/Springer-Gabler 2006) as well as of numerous publications and lectures about prices, sales and marketing. Dr. Björn Schuppar studied business engineering at the Technical University of Darmstadt (specializing in mechanical engineering) and attained his doctor’s degree with Prof. Dr. Christian Homburg (University of Mannheim). In his dissertation he identified the success factors of price management in the business-to-business sector. Afterwards, he worked worldwide for several years as a management consultant.

He prefers to spend his leisure time with his family. He enjoys cooking and exercises regularly.

Martin Ahlefelder

Pricing Expert, Partner & Managing Director
Committed handball player
Passionate golfer

“Mr. Ahlefelder is a partner with special abilities: Empathetic, goal-oriented and dedicated.”

Experience & background
Martin Ahlefelder has been responsible at Schuppar Consulting for the area of industrial markets since 2010. He very successfully accompanies the execution and implementation of pricing. Our customers know and value him as an outstanding, results-oriented consultant and partner.

Martin Ahlefelder is an expert for the chemicals and automotive industries, general industry and retail industry. In projects he skilfully combines his analytic expertise with his extraordinary social and training competencies. He has already profitably and effectively trained hundreds of senior executives and sales employees on various sales topics. At the same time he is very successful at introducing co-workers to new concepts respectfully and in a relaxed atmosphere. He has proven himself as ideal in accompanying even the most difficult change management processes. Martin Ahlefelder is comprehensively experienced in dealing with projects, in both the group environment (DAX 30) and mid-sized companies. His consulting and coaching achievements have also earned a high degree of esteem and acknowledgement at the international level. By means of his practice-oriented consulting approach he consistently and fully in line with the Schuppar Consulting philosophy achieves effective increases of between two and three percentage points for his customers.

Martin Ahlefelder studied Business Administration (Diploma) at the FHDW in Bergisch Gladbach and worked in marketing and sales before joining Schuppar Consulting. Martin Ahlefelder selectively passes his pricing and training expertise at Schuppar Consulting on to colleagues within the framework of the Young Talents Programme.

In his leisure time he enjoys playing handball and golf.
